What happened in 2020
This is a remote tribal village that MATC pastors have been evangelizing. With no warning this group of antichrist haters of God, invaded, beat up, burnt down and destroyed everything they had. These newly converted men and women of God refuse to renounce their faith in Christ. (Hallelujah!) One of our MATC pastors was severely beaten. What an honor it is that God would use us to pick up the pieces of these shattered lives. Once again, MATC is asking you to dig a little deeper. The only thing they escaped with was their lives and the clothes on their backs. What a grand finale for the year 2020!!! We thank you in advance for your prayer and financial support. We have already started replacing food, clothing etc. to show the love of Jesus. The battle belongs to the Lord. Love Pastor Stan and Sharon

As persecution continues, MATC continues to help… This is the remote tribal village that MATC pastors had evangelized and then suffered an attack from anti-Christ, haters of God. Again, these newly converted men and women of God refused to renounce their faith in Christ. Hallelujah!

January 7th, 2021: Pastor School graduation #9!

Making disciples, training warriors for the Kingdom of God.

Another class has graduated tailoring school! (SICT) Sharon Institute of Community Transformation teaches women to sew, when they graduate we give them a sewing machine so they can be self sufficient. Praise the Lord! September 2020.

A virus may put the world on hold but Jesus cannot be stopped! His Gospel continues to spread and church # 50 is being built!
Hallelujah! August 2020

India is now under martial law due to the Corona Virus (COVID-19), they are on lockdown and not allowed to leave their homes. These certificates, signed and stamped by the government, is India asking MATC for help. They are taped in the front window of our vehicle and give Steven government approval to be on the streets. (It doesn’t get any more official than this)

It all started when the virus hit India. The government called Steven personally and asked if we could adopt 50 families. 3 days later they called back asking if we could adopt 450 more families. 3 days later they called again, 113 families in the forest were staving. (we adopted them as well). With that being said, we have also adopted 500 pastors and their families. On the 6th of May 2020, Steven called and said we were adopting 2 remote tribal camps, number of families unknown at this time. This is easily 5,000 people that the love of Jesus is touching.
Another one of our ministries is Sharon Institute of Community Transformation (SICT) a tailoring school for women, also a driving school for men. Our trained students have volunteered their time and talent to make clothes, face masks and deliver care packages in this crisis.

The operation has grown unbelievably fast. The video and pictures below show the police department in MATC headquarters helping Steven and the MATC volunteers. MATC also presented them with enough masks for the entire police department.

So many people in India live in shacks. Dressed in rags and barefoot, the lean-to behind this mother and her son is where they live. Facing the effects of the virus alone is devastating and fearful to them. With nowhere to turn for help – help comes to them. This is Steven, president of MATC in India, personally handing off food. We will continue to take care of them until things return to normal in India. (note the look on her face)

Further examples of people who had no hope (below)

Another short Sharon Care video below.
This video is people coming out of MATC headquarters after receiving care packages. (this is also the front door to our home in India)
The video and pictures below are one example of a very remote tribal camp in the forest. The government has all tribal camps locked down in fear that the virus will sneak in and kill millions. This would leave dead bodies laying all over the forest floor rotting and this would be worse than the virus itself – – – more people who have nowhere to turn. (MATC is there through your prayer and financial support)

On May 10th we received another phone call from Steven in India: MATC has now delivered 98,000 meals and over 6,000 masks!

MATC heading out to deliver food and supplies. (Note the government approval certificates in the front windows)
Going where we need to go to do what we’re called to do.
Missionaries Answering the Call is still answering the call in India. Thank you so much for your prayer and financial support – – – We’re all in this together.
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