We are now helping over 1,000 families during this pandemic (and the number continue to increase)
When the Corona Virus (COVID-19) has the world turned upside down, Missionaries Answering the Call is STILL answering the call in India. The entire country of India is on lockdown and under martial law. 1.3 billion people are at risk with limited medical facilities. With that being said, the government of India has personally contacted Steven (president of MATC headquarters in India) and requested our help to provide survival necessities and food to helpless families that simply don’t have the means to survive. Steven has acquired a special government issued permit so that he may purchase, pack and personally deliver food and survival goods to those in need.

Sharon Care: Taking care of widows and orphans, giving extra help during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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P.O. Box 798
Cabazon, Ca. 92230
Now you can further support Missionaries Answering The Call by choosing us (MATC) as your favorite charity on AmazonSmile.
Click the link below, or copy and paste, when you want to shop and Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to help us help India